Welcome to
Managing Impactivity
Bespoke management training workshops focused on providing managers with the perspective, knowledge and tools they need to support and energise their neurodiverse teams.

Delivery by Giles
Giles spent 20 years as a Director, managing teams and shaping culture for one of the greatest success stories in the notably neurodivergent music technology industry.
Giles has a Masters in Executive Coaching, (as well as a PG-Cert in Team Coaching) from Ashridge Hult, one of the most prestigious coaching qualifications available, as well as qualifications from ADDCA, the leading global ADHD coaching academy. In addition, as a certified ‘Time to Think™’ practitioner, Giles is trained in facilitation methods specifically developed with diversity and equality at their core.
With a lived experience of ADHD, a life-long passion for empowering creative minds, a hatred of boredom, and a knack for stage-ready oration, Giles delivers inspirational training for both the neurodiverse population and their support network, helping people make the most of the marvellous minds hidden within their teams.

Quick Content Overview
Workshops are always tailored to the needs of the organisation and its management. However, topics and experiences often include:
Introducing neurodiversity: a galaxy of stars
The neuroscience behind neurodiversity
Helping team members feel heard; generative attention
The ROI of supporting your neuro diverse population
Strengths & challenges: ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia & Dyspraxia
Proactive / Reactive disclosure & Masking
Conflict management and inclusive communication styles
Maintaining judgement-free curiosity in a neurodiverse world
Adapting roles and empowering teams with ‘spiky profiles’
Strength-based role defining and how to go about it
Harnessing the seven different ways we all learn
Terminology & Labelling:Reducing management anxiety
Disability laws, regulations and inclusive workplace policies
Navigating sensory sensitivities & reasonable accommodations

Free resources
Signup to ‘G & Biscuits’, the monthly newsletter focused on Coaching, Neurodiversity and Productivity, and receive Chapter 4 of the ‘Managing Impactivity’ Guide: “Developing the Neurocurious lens” for free.