Stressed & Overwhelmed?
Deep down, you know you’re awesome, but you keep missing deadlines. Everything (and nothing) is a priority. The clock keeps ticking. The pressure mounts, but you still can’t think straight or make the decisions you need to.
Work/life balance lost?
You’re a whole human, yet half of you seems all but invisible.
And the remaining half?
An endless, thankless chore.
Life isn’t meant to be like this, is it?
Can’t move things forward?
It’s shit, feeling stuck. Alone, the way forward is almost impossible to grasp. Doubt thunders in, telling you what can’t be done, because apparently, your brain doesn’t work the way it should.

A way forward
You are not the hours you put in. You are the incredible impact you create, and more. And not in spite of your ADHD, but often because of it.
You can get better at managing time, organising your world and being productive, but only in your own unique way. Together, we’ll work with all that is you, making the most of your natural strengths to get things moving forward and your work/life balance back in check.
As a former company director and ADHDer, working for an AIM-listed PLC, I’ve been there. The pain and shame is real, but it doesn’t have to be. With over 20 years experience at the top of business, six years coaching, and a lifetime as an ADHDer, I understand what you’re going through.
I'm an experienced and certified, ADDCA-trained coach with a Masters in Executive Coaching, specialising in neurodiversity and productivity. I have both the experience and knowledge to help you move forward.
I’ll be by your side and together we can uncover blindspots and start working WITH your strengths, not against them. We’ll take time to pause, build a rock-solid foundation of beliefs and self-knowledge, and develop a catalogue of productivity and resilience tools to help you get right back on track.
Next steps
Find out how ADHD leadership coaching can help you turn your ADHD challenges into defining opportunities and achieve the success you deserve.
*All rates listed below are half-price until April 2025!*
​Corporate rate: £100/hour + VAT
Individually funded: Pay what you can afford, ranging from £60-£100 per / 1-hour session (+ VAT, where applicable).
Coaching contracts typically vary between 3 months and 1 year.
Access to Work referrals accepted.
Book a 30-minute discovery call today, quoting GILES50, to access our half-price offer.